Game Pitch: Grub

A distant planet.

Two competing species - predator and prey.

An unexpected visitor - man.

Humans have forged an alliance with the more numerous prey species and have offered their technology and assistance in dominating the planet and in "containing" the predatory threat in exchange for a place on the planet within which to expand their own numbers. What the prey species cannot comprehend is that the ways of humanity will lead to the destruction of their own ecosystem, the collapse of not only that which they fear, but that which they cherish as well. What they cannot foresee is that in the long term even their alliance with humanity is untenable and that soon the planet will belong entirely to man, and they will once again be prey.

You are a member of the predator species, tasked with protecting your home and repealing the human threat. There are few of you left, and the humans have brought the full might of their engines of destruction to bear. You must fight your way against the human-prey alliance and assert your position as the apex predator. Doing so will require all of your cunning, all of your speed and strength, and all of your will. The future of your species, of your planet, depends on it. You cannot rest until every last human is routed, until every one of them is dead. They should not be here, it's up to you to rebalance the ecosystem.

Grub is a linear first-person shooter with a mission-based structure. Missions are fairly open with a mix of larger sandbox areas and more tight bottleneck points. As you play as an alien there is no explicit narrative in Grub. The humans you encounter speak in an unintelligible mumbly sort of jibberish and communication between your own kind is very limited. As such the story is communicated through the environment and through actions.

The prey species is not typical prey for the predator species, as they tend to prey on less intelligent animals. Nonetheless the prey are ruled by irrational fear, herd mentality, and a deep hatred of the predator, so that crowds of them will flee in panic at the sight of a single predator, often trampling themselves to death in the process.

The humans choose to view you as little more than a brutish animal, despite the fact that you are cybernetically enhanced, use advanced weaponry, and demonstrate a proficiency with using human weapons. Indeed the predator society is more technologically advanced than that of the prey species.