The Myth of the One

In contemporary Western capitalist society, the myth of “the one” is pervasive. This is the persistent belief that given a functional socio-economic role defined with rigorous specificity there exists an individual conforming to all preexisting expectations for that role. “The one” is out there, we just need to find them.

That this belief manifests most acutely in those doing the searching is no surprise. “The one” is the quintessential object of fixation for job recruiters and unattached individuals seeking long-term relationships. Because it is a myth, technology can only be expected to intensify the searching, leading to escalating expenditure and waste in true capitalist fashion without leading to resolution.

Organisms Under Threat

To live in the modern world is to exist in a state where every breath is painful and where every motion is inhibited by heavy oppression. It is to have all streamlines, streaklines and pathlines totally and completely circumscribed by a design beyond comprehension and unyielding to compromise. It is to exist in a state where even keeping one's eyelids open is a feat, for the air stings with a painful burn and is clouded by a heavy fog that induces sleepiness, comatose, and death. It is to be an organism under threat.

Those that are not threatened have already crossed the material divide; they are not organisms: they are no longer even living. They are the exalted beings of capitalism: those who have willingly given themselves over to be reformed, recast, and re-implemented as more perfect designs under the capitalist frame. They eagerly await the promised total liberation from materiality: the complete annihilation of the physical1, capitalism's promise/threat of subsuming the universe and finally extinguishing its insectoid-drive.