Pick 10: Images of Interest

The following post is rather simply motivated. It is part of my required pre-course work - a school assignment. The goal is simply to pick 10 images that I find interesting and to explain my picks. What follow are simply what happens to interest me at the moment of this posting.

A Geometric Offering: GEB-EGB Trip-let

Having come to the end (finally!) of the voluminous tome that is Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter, I decided to try my hand at reproducing the GEB-EGB trip-let that forms the cover image (at least on the copy of the book that I was reading). This self-imposed exercise came as a welcome change of pace from the mathematical-typographical exercises that Hofstadter presents (punishes?) his readers with. Hofstadter describes the cover image thus:

Cover: A "GEB" and an "EGB" trip-let suspended in space, casting their symbolic shadows on three planes that meet at the corner of a room. ("Trip-let" is the name which I have given to blocks shaped in such a way that their shadows in three orthogonal directions are three different letters. The trip-let idea came to me in a flash one evening as I was trying to think how best to symbolize the unity of Gödel, Escher, and Bach by somehow fusing their names in a striking design. The two trip-lets shown on the cover were designed and made by me, using mainly a band saw, with an end mill for the holes; they are redwood, and are just under 4 inches on a side.)

GEB-EGB trip-let as depicted on the cover of my copy of Gödel, Escher, Bach